10 Accessible Sex Positions for People with Disabilities
There’s no denying that disabled people are de-sexualised and not represented in many mainstream media outlets. But disabled people are sexy, and they do have sex! And there’s many positions you can try if you’re disabled or have a disabled partner. So read on for some inspiration and find out about our top 10 positions.
This position involves both partners lying on their sides facing each other.
It's comfortable and easy to perform, and the partners can kiss and caress each other while having sex. This position can work for partners who are both disabled or have limited mobility.
Depending on the person's level of mobility, they may not be able to maintain this position for an extended period.
Good for:
People who have trouble with balance or need support, and people who enjoy intimate, close contact.
This is a cozy and intimate position that is great for people with limited mobility or disabilities. It involves both partners lying on their sides, with the less mobile partner behind the other.
It's comfortable and easy to perform, and the person in front can control the angle and depth of penetration.
This position may not be suitable for people who need to keep their legs straight, as they may be unable to bend them to fit into this position.
Good for: People who have trouble with balance or require support.

Modified Missionary:
This is a classic position that can be adapted for people with limited mobility.
The partner with mobility issues can lay flat on their back while the other partner kneels or straddles them.
This position provides deep penetration, and the person on top can control the pace and angle of thrusting.
Depending on the person's level of mobility, they may not be able to maintain this position for an extended period.
Good for:
People who need to keep their legs elevated or have trouble sitting upright.
Seated Oral:
This position is perfect for partners with limited mobility or disabilities who may have trouble getting into other positions. The partner with mobility issues can sit comfortably in a chair while the other partner performs oral sex on them.
This position is easy to perform and doesn't require much physical exertion, making it great for people who get tired easily.
It may not be as intimate as some other positions, and some people may not find it as sexually satisfying as other positions.
Good for:
People who have trouble standing or have limited mobility in their legs.
Modified Doggy Style:
This position can be adapted for partners with limited mobility or disabilities. The partner with mobility issues can rest on all fours while the other partner kneels behind them.
This position provides deep penetration and allows the person on top to control the pace and angle of thrusting.
It may be difficult for the partner with mobility issues to maintain this position for an extended period.
Good for:
People who have trouble with balance or need support.

The Lap Dance:
This position can be very intimate and provides a lot of contact between partners. It also allows for a lot of control and rhythm during sex.
It may require some upper body strength or balance to perform comfortably, and it may not be suitable for couples who both use wheelchairs.
Good for:
Couples with good upper body strength and balance who want an intimate, rhythmic sex position.
The Lazy Dog:
This position provides deep penetration and allows for easy access to the clitoris or penis. It is also comfortable and easy to perform.
Depending on the level of mobility, it may require some upper body strength or balance to maintain.
Good for:
Couples who want a comfortable, deep penetration sex position.
The Modified Cowgirl:
This position allows for deep penetration and is very intimate. It also allows for a lot of control and rhythm during sex.
Depending on the level of mobility, it may require some upper body strength or balance to perform comfortably.
Good for:
Couples who want an intimate, rhythmic sex position with deep penetration.

The Sitting Wheelbarrow:
This position is great for couples who both use wheelchairs, and it allows for deep penetration and intimate contact.
It may require some upper body strength or balance to perform comfortably, and it may not be suitable for couples with limited upper body strength.
Good for: Couples who both use wheelchairs and want a comfortable, intimate sex position.
The T-Square:
This position is great for couples who both use wheelchairs, and it allows for intimate contact and rhythmic sex.
Depending on the level of mobility, it may require some upper body strength or balance to perform comfortably.
Good for:
Couples who both use wheelchairs and want a comfortable, rhythmic sex position with intimate contact.
There are many sex positions that are good for people with limited mobility or disabilities. The important thing is to find a position that works for both partners and that allows for intimacy and sexual pleasure. Experimenting with different positions and adapting them to suit your needs can lead to new and exciting experiences! Shop our latest arrivals here...